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Keynotes and Speaking

Karen can be booked for speaking engagements at your company or conference. Below are some of her previous events. 

Karen's Speaker Sheet is downloadable, just below should you desire additional information.

May 19, 2021

Woman's Club of Palo Alto

You Can't Fix What You Can't See

Come learn how our perceptions can trip us up at work. And how you can step over those hazards. The Woman’s Club of Palo Alto presents: Karen F Cornwell introducing some of the concepts in her intriguing book: You Can’t Fix What You Can’t See; An Eye-Opening Toolkit for Cultivating Gender Harmony in Business.

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Feb 10, 2021

Woman L.E.A.D. 

Gendered Mindsets - Unlocking What You Can't See

Gain an understanding of your mindset while we explore common workplace activities like problem solving, information exchange, how you bond, and take risks.  Understanding the spectrum of gender dichotomies that allows you to see different ways of approaching and interpreting others’ perspectives. With this framework, you will discover that you can use this framework to leverage these gender differences to foster innovation, growth, and engagement on your teams.

Nov 8, 2020

Next Step

Are Your Perceptions Driving You Crazy?

Our perceptions can disconnect us and sow discontent. This workshop discusses some of our common differences and shows how we can interact differently and dramatically change the outcome for the better.

Oct 13, 2019

Author Talk at the Biltmore Hotel 

You Can't Fix What You Can't See

Learn to Leverage Diversity to drive Innovation, Market Growth, and Engagement. Gain tools to understand gender differences, identify your secret decoders, understand the neuroscience that behind our behaviors, and build your personal action plan for change.

Mar 10, 2019

Toastmasters Educational  

Skills to Make Your Team Excel

Learn and practice Leadership Skills for Great Team Development. A workshop designed to help you discover what makes an effective team, learn the stages of team development, understand what motivates people, and effective ways to reward performance.Learn to Leverage Diversity to drive Innovation, Market Growth, and Engagement. Gain tools to understand gender differences, identify your secret decoders, understand the neuroscience that behind our behaviors, and build your personal action plan for change.

Feb 2, 2019

Toastmasters Leadership Institute 

Extraordinary Impacts; And How To Make Them

Have you ever had an unforgettable experience? One you can recall years later with vivid detail. Ever stop to wonder why it was so memorable?  Better yet, would you like to know the secrets to create a memorable experience?

Extraordinary Impacts and How to Make Them

Extraordinary Impacts and How to Make Them

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Oct 5, 2018

Wonder Women Tech National Conference 

Panel: “From Gen Z to Baby Boomers: Generations of Innovators Who Make An Impact”

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Sept 22, 2018

Singularity University Incubator: Exponential Unconference 

How to get Companies to Value and Leverage Diversity

June 12, 2018

Women in Technology International Summit 

Gender Intelligence® – What, Why, and How do you know if you need it?


We hear the headlines daily about gender atrocities in the workplace.  Understand ‘What’ Gender Intelligence is and ‘Why’ you want it.  Learn the keys we’ve been missing all these years. Backed by brain science, we have fundamental differences and once you understand them, you can stop tripping over them and start leveraging these differences to build top line growth, innovation, and phenomenal employee engagement. Find out how you can use detailed diagnostics to identify your company’s specific issues to design the right programs that address the issues that are restraining your company’s growth.  

June 11, 2018

Women in Technology International Summit 

7 Pitfalls of Women Leaders and how to Swerve around Them

Based on interviews with women leaders and backed by brain science, understand the common pitfalls frequently encountered by women as they climb the corporate ladder. We’ll discuss a variety of methods to avoid these pitfalls.

June 11, 2018

Women in Technology International Summit 

Managing Complex Sales

Are you Dealing with many stakeholders in different departments with different needs? Then this session is for you!  Understand the buying process associated with sales of complex products. Learn how to understand customer needs and gauge your conversations to manage the buying process.

May 17, 2018

COO Forum – Silicon Valley 

Is Your Company Gender Intelligent? with Thought Leader Karen Cornwell

April 10, 2018

COO Forum – San Francisco 

Is Your Company Gender Intelligent? with Thought Leader Karen Cornwell

March 31, 2018

Silicon Valley Product Management Association - Product Camp at Santa Clara University 

Accelerate your Product Innovation while Maximizing Profitability

We’ve all heard the stories of launching products … that fizzle and die.  The post-mortem reveals that no one truly understood the customer’s needs. Many Product Managers are leaving significant revenue and tons of profitability outside their company doors, because they didn’t take the time to get inside their customer’s heads.  The solution is to use strategic techniques to drive the understanding of your customer’s product needs. This solution is best suited for complex products that involve many client stakeholders with different needs.

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March 31, 2018

SVPMA Product Camp at Santa Clara University 

Strategies for Leveraging the Skills of Diverse Teams

The studies all show that diverse teams produce significantly better results. But how do you get them to effectively work together?  This workshop is fun, dynamic way to understand where people and teams get “disconnected” and what you can do reconnect them in ways that cause innovation, engagement, and market growth to soar.

Aug 22, 2016

Bridging the Gender Divide 

Are you ready to Bridge the Gender Divide?

A new workshop designed to introduce the process of how to Bridge the Gender Divide in high tech companies. We have heard the stats, heard the problems... Now let's implement new strategies in order to unleash the full potential of your diverse workforce.

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July 13, 2016

Semi-Con West: Women in Tech Forum

The I(nclusive) Generation

Best Practices for Attracting, Retaining, And Developing engaging opportunities across multiple generations of employees

Jun 5, 2016

Women in Technology International Summit 

New Leadership Model for Rocketing Innovation, Productivity, and Engagement

Innovation is critical to many organizations but capturing it and really being able to harness its power is easier said than done. One of the keys to innovation is diversity. This interactive session will explain the keys to unlock the power of diversity by understanding the differences in gender, culture, and thought processes.  Once you understand this perspective, it will enable you to both reach people in a different way and interpret their actions with a completely new understanding.  These new insights will drive advances in both productivity and engagement as people feel appreciated and valued for their contributions.  Orchestrating organizational change to shift your culture toward this powerful model will be included.

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Mar 14, 2016

Elephant in the Valley - Global Tech Women Panel

Moving the Elephant: Learning and Solutions from Silicon Valley Women in Tech

This diverse panel of women will discuss and augment with other research findings, the Elephant in the Valley collection of women’s stories of their experiences in the workplace, to put a reality to statistics that can become a valuable learning tool to go beyond harassment and unconscious bias training, to the realities of lived experience.

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